Нелокальна задача для псевдогіперболічного рівняння
Ключові слова
bibitem{sobolev} Sobolev S.L. emph{On certain new problem of mathematical phisics},
Izvestia Acad. Nauk.
Mathem {bf18} (1954), 3--50.
bibitem{sv} Sveshnikov A.G., Alshin A.B., Korpusov O.M., Pletner Yu.D.
emph{Linear and nonlinear Sobolev type equations}, Phizmatlit, Moscow (2007), 734p.
bibitem{Korp} Korpusov O.M.
emph{Blow-up in nonclassical wave equations}, URSS, Moscow (2010),237p.
bibitem{cannon} Cannon J.R. emph{The solution of the heat equation subject to the specification of energy},
Quart. Appl. Math. {bf 21}:2 (1963), 155--160.
bibitem{Pu_1} Pulkina L.S. emph{Boundary value problems for a hyperbolic equation with nonlocal conditions of the I and
II kind}, Russian Mathematics (Iz.VUZ) {bf 56}:4 (2012), 62--69.
bibitem{K-P} Kozhanov A.I., Pulkina L.S. emph{On the Solvability of Boundary Value Problems
with a Nonlocal Boundary Condition of Integral Form for Multidimentional Hyperbolic Equations},
Differential Equations {bf 42}:9 (2006), 1233--1246.
bibitem{lad} Ladyzhenskaya O.A. emph{Boundary-value problems of
mathematical physics}, Nauka, Moscow (1973), 407p.
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