Відносні розміри підмножин напівгруп
Ключові слова
T.Banakh, I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Syndedic submeasures and partitions of $G$-spaces and groups, Intern. J. Algebra Comp. 23 (2013) 1611--1623.
T.Banakh, I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Densities, submeasures and partitions of $G$-spaces and groups, Algebra Discrete Math. 17:2 (2014) 193--221.
T.Banakh, I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Scattered subsets of groups, Ukr. Math. J. 65 (2015) 304--312.
A.Bella, V.Malykhin, On certain subsets of a group, Questions, Answers Gen Topology 17:2 (1999) 183--197.
A.Bella, V.Malykhin, On certain subsets of a group II, Questions, Answers Gen Topology 19:1 (2001) 81--94.
V.Bergelson, N.Hindman, R.~McCutcheon, Notes of size and combinatorial properties of quotient sets in semigroups, Topology Proceedings 23 (1998) 23--60.
J.Erde, A note on combinatorial derivation, preprint (http:/arxiv.org/abs/1210.7622).
N.Hindman, D.Strauss, Algebra in the Stone-Cech compactification, de Gruyter, 2012.
Ie.Lutsenko, I.Protasov, Sparse, thin and other subsets of groups, Intern. J. Algebra Comp. 19 (2009) 491--510.
Ie.Lutsenko, I.Protasov, Relatively thin and sparse subsets of groups, Ukr. Math. J. 63 (2011) 216--225.
V.Malykhin, I.Protasov, Maximal resolvability of bounded groups, Topology Appl. 20 (1996) 1--6.
V.D.Mazurov, E.I.Khukhro (eds), Unsolved problems in group theory, the Kourovka notebook, 13-th augmented edition, Novosibirsk, 1995.
I.V.Protasov, Ultrafilters and topologies on groups, Siberian Math. J. 34 (1993) 163--180.
I.V.Protasov, Selective survey on Subset Combinatorics of Groups, Ukr. Math. Bull. 7 (2011) 220--257.
I.V.Protasov, The combinatorial derivation, Appl. Gen. Topology 14:2 (2013) 171--178.
I.V.Protasov, T.Banakh, Ball Structures and Colorings of Groups and Graphs, Math. Stud. Monogr. Ser., Vol.11, VNTL, Lviv, 2003.
I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Prethick subsets in partitions of groups, Algebra Discrete Math. 14 (2012) 267--275.
I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Ultracompanions of subsets of groups, Comment. Math. Univ. Corolin. 55:2 (2014) 257--265.
I.Protasov, S.Slobodianiuk, Partitions of groups, Matem. Stud. 42 (2014) 115--128.
I.V.Protasov, M.Zarichnyi, General Asymptology, Math Stud. Monogr. Ser., Vol. 12, VNTL, Lviv 2007.
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